Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. All DOAJ services are free of charge including being indexed. All data is freely available.
SpringerOpen is Springer's portfolio of fully open access journals and books, covering all areas of science. The entire content published with SpringerOpen is freely accessible online immediately upon publication. SpringerOpen views open access to research as essential in order to ensure the rapid and efficient communication of research findings.
Science Alert is a leading web based portal providing free access to a large database of peer reviewed scientific research. Currently Science Alert hosts more than 40,000 fully open access articles from 119 peer reviewed scientific journals. Science Alert is one of its kind technological solutions to make the authoritative content discoverable and broaden the value of your scholarly publications.
You can now access full text articles from research journals published by CSIR-NIScPR! Full text facility is provided for all nineteen research journals viz. ALIS, AIR, BVAAP, IJBB, IJBT, IJCA, IJCB, IJCT, IJEB, IJEMS, IJFTR, IJMS, IJNPR, IJPAP, IJRSP, IJTK, JIPR, JSIR & JST. NOPR also hosts three Popular Science Magazines viz. Science Reporter (SR), Vigyan Pragati (VP) & Science Ki Duniya (SKD) and a Natural Products Repository (NPARR).
Rare Book Room
The "Rare Book Room" site has been constructed as an educational site intended to allow the visitor to examine and read some of the great books of the world. This site contains all of the books (about 400) that have been digitized to date. These range over a wide variety of topics and rarity.