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                                                                 Library  Policies and Procedures


     I. Working days and hours


             1. Working days


                      The library will remain open on all working days except on Sundays and other public holidays.


              2. Working Hours


                            Monday to Friday                                           : 7.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

                            Saturday                                                          : 9.00 a.m. to 4.35 p.m.

                             Mid Term, Christmas, and summer vacation  : 9.00 a.m. to 4.35 p.m.


      II. Library Membership


                1. All students who have joined this college as a regular student are eligible for the membership of the college                        library.


                2. The ex-students and outsiders cannot be given the membership for using the library resources, except with                         the special permission from the principal.

                 3. A student eligible to be enrolled as a member of the library will fill up and sign the library membership card,                                      obtained from the issue counter of the library.

                  4. Each member will be issued library cards (two cards: one for home issue and one for reference books, which                        is to be issued within the library) duly sighed and stamped by the authorized authority of the library. One                            book for one card will be issued at a time for seven days for degree students and three books for one card                            will be issued at a time for fifteen days for post graduate students. However if a book becomes overdue, 

                      further books may not be issued unless such book is returned or is got renewed or dues are paid, as may be                        suitable.

                 5. Membership of a student will remain valid till he/she remains on roll or gets hall tickets for appearing in                                his/her examination of an academic year, whichever is earlier.

                 6.Students who fail to return the issued books and pay all library fines before his /her examination, his/her                          hall ticket will not be issued and ultimately the shall not be allowed to appear in the examination.

                  7. The membership of members other than students (teaching and non teaching staff members) will remain                             valid till they remain employees of the college.


        Rules for faculty members


            The following categories of staff can borrow books

           1. Teachers (permanent) – 15 books

           2. Teachers (temporary) – 2 books

           3. Non teaching staff      – 2 books, however non-teaching staff can avail book bank scheme if their children are                       studying in the respective classes.

                 Both teaching and non teaching staffs are required to clear their dues at the end of each academic year. Books               will be issued further only after clearing the dues.


       III. Issue and return of books

       1. In order to get the required book etc. readers are advised to consult the catalogue and note down the call                           number and title on the slip. This slip should be submitted to the issue counter for further action.

        2. The reference books, rare-books or other books (which in the opinion of the librarian, is not in a condition to be                 safely handled by the borrower/reader) shall not be issued.

        3. Before getting books issued, any mutilation or marking etc. should be pointed out immediately by the member                 to the issue counter assistant; otherwise the member shall be responsible for mutilations and markings                                discovered afterwards.

         4. The current periodicals shall not be issued, available only for reading in the library premises.

          5. The librarian reserves the right to recall an issued book at any time.


       IV. Overdue charges


              A fine of 1 rupee per book per day will be charged, if the book is kept overdue, after the due date of return and 5          rupees per book per day will be charged if the reference books are not returned or kept overnight.


         V. Loss of Books

           The loss of a book should be reported to the librarian immediately. Fine will be calculated from the date of due to         the date of loss reported.  The borrower has to replace the book of same or latest edition. If the book is not                         available he/she has to pay the cost of the book.


        VI. Loss of Library Cards

              The loss of library card(s) should be immediately reported to the librarian so that the library staff may keep an            eye on the lost library card. The member, whose library card has/have been lost, will be responsible for all the                    books, issued on such cards and has to pay the price of all books. A duplicate card will be issued on the payment of          rupees 50 only.

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