The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly
community in open access.
EThOS is the UK’s national thesis service which aims to maximize the visibility and availability of the UK’s doctoral research theses.
The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use,
dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information
about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes 4,091,710 theses and dissertations.
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) and BiblioLabs have created a collaborative open access initiative dedicated to advancing library and industry innovation
related to Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs)., is a collaborative project committed to facilitating open and free access to ETD
and content.
Open DOAR provides a quality-assured listing of open access repositories around the world. Use the "any content type" drop down menu to select "theses".
With PQDT Open, you can read the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charge.
Use the "content' option and select "Thesis/dissertations".